Thursday, November 7, 2013

Trash can!

This morning while prayer walking in a very nice neighborhood in Murfreesboro Tn. I noticed everyone had the same big beautiful trash can. They were not at all like the burn barrel I had in Montana. As I walked around the corner I noticed one can that had fallen over. It was empty and was blocking the persons drive way. I guess when the trash truck picked it up and dumped it, they didn't set it down correctly and it fell over. I continued to walk around it and about 2 houses down, I felt like God was telling me to go pick it up and set it right. I kinda argued with myself and thought "that's stupid." Then I felt like God was showing me that if I didn't, the owners of that house would have to pull up, stop and get out of their car and have to move it. I thought well, I guess I could pay it forward and be nice and do this good gesture. By now, I am three houses down. So, I turned around and went and grabbed the can and stood it up right. When I did, I got some gunk on my hand and was like .... "Dude!" I imeadiately heard in my spirit "when you help up the fallen, you gonna get dirty". It's a dirty job but somebody has to do it! 

As children of Father God, we are in the restoring business. Peoples lives are messy, trashy even. He has called us to lovingly help people pick themselves up and get back on the right path. It may be dirty and sometimes rough but if you will be intentional and walking in love God will bring people to you and bless you beyond measure. I got no reward for picking up those peoples can. They will never know I got some of their gunk on my hands. However, God knows and He saw my heart and that's what really matters. I love Him and His people. 

Love y'all,

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