Monday, December 9, 2013

Even Santa Oughta Know...but in love lol

Even Santa Oughta Know 

I've got a song out that most people seem to love and is kinda funny. The title says it all. "The skies, the seas, the land, the trees and even rudolfs nose was made by baby Jesus and Even Santa Oughta Know". Although humorous it really strikes a chord with many Christians this time of year. I can always feel my brother and sisters hair standing up at attention when someone says Merry X-mas or even Happy Holidays. I get it trust me, being a child of the God and feeling our kingdom is under attack is very real. However, I want to introduce a new thought. God doesn't need us picking a fight with people over this He needs us picking a fight with the real enemy. He needs us to stay focused on the real battle which is souls be stolen from my Father God! I'm not sure that we should be mad at people but rather staying in love and leading them to the true meaning of Christmas. We celebrate the virgin birth of Jesus who would, in love, willingly lay down his life so that ALL men may find true peace and true grace. He was completely pointing all of our attention to the God of the universe and saying with his actions. He loved you so much He sent me to die for you! I believe God doesn't really need us walking around mad because the world is acting like...well, the world. He has called us to lovingly lead them to their God! Just a thought...Love y'all!

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