Thursday, July 17, 2014

You were never called to the wild

I recently watched and posted a video from Facebook about wild horses. An Indian reservation in northern Montana rounded up about 500 head of wild horses and ran them through the streets of Browning. You can watch it here... Wild horses in Montana . I for one loved the video, I was a little worried and even more surprised that none were injured on the pavement. However, as I read the comments below I saw such complete ignorance as to what people thought about these poor wild horses. The most ridiculous statement I read said " They should just leave those horses as they were meant to be... WILD". Heres why that shows not only ignorance but also the crazy way people can get so deceived. Horses were not created to be wild.

I know there might be some people that disagree with me on this but hear me out. I agree that God has created certain animals to be wild and remain free. For example, I believe Tigers and Bears and Elephants were meant to be left alone and people that try to domesticate them are a new level of out there. I believe they were made to be looked at, watched, admired and mostly to show the Glory of God! That being said, although I believe horses are one of Gods most beautiful animals, I believe God created them to partner with, serve and love man! They were created for us!

Whats this got to do with you, today. You my friend were not meant to live a life of frivolous survival. Not called to be about your own will and purpose. Most people are living a life of the wild. You were created to be His! Purposed for greatness in and through His will for you. You weren't meant to be just left alone, watched or even admired. You were born for a reason to love God and serve Him!

The problem is most people waste half, if not all their lives being in self service and not understanding why they were even born. They are afraid of what they think submission to the process of being broken looks like. Heres a stat for you, life life expectancy comparison between a wild horse and a broke horse is about half or even less. Why? Because what can look like freedom is actually a lie. While we are young it can even look fun but the end of it is a form of death. On the other hand the life of service and love of God is actually the way to Life and that more abundantly. I hope you can see that everyone of those horses running are running in fear and are not at a place of peace. However, when they finally submit to the Masters hand is when their life turns peaceful and full of Joy. It's only then they realize, ohhhhh this is why I was created. This is what my life really is about.

Wild horses can end up being the best horse and its because they are the most grateful. As you watch that video, I want you to ask yourself this question. Am I living the wildlife? Am I deceiving myself? Am I sure thats the life I am supposed to be living? Or, am I living a lie and is there actually more to this life?

You can learn a lot from a horse....

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